The Faithful Decorator

Antique Store Tactics

Three tips on how I overcome overwhelm in the antique store.

It is no secret that I love a good antique store. I find it to be amazingly relaxing winding in and out of each booth as though I don’t have a care in the world. Looking at pieces from times long ago is calming to me. It makes me think of a simpler time. Although, I believe the people living in those days may disagree about the “simpler” part. I often wonder why we think the people who lived before us had it easier. I may never know the answer to that and I’m ok with that. I suppose I’m an old soul who loves connecting my present with the history of my ancestors.

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As much as I love visiting antique shops I will admit they can be quite intimidating. The booths are typically packed full and it’s easy to miss things if you’re not vigilant. Because of that, I’ve decided to help you out. I’m sharing Three Tips on how I overcome overwhelm in the Antique Store.

Vintage Ironstone Platter

Tip 1: Know Your Personal Style

A surefire way to become overwhelmed in an antique store is by distraction. When you don’t have a clear picture of what you want your space to look like you can easily become overwhelmed with all the possibilities. I’m a dreamer and I see the possibilities with almost everything. This means that when shopping for a specific style I really need to have a clear picture of what will work. I do this by taking pictures of the space and creating a design board. In the old days, I would tear out pages of magazines. Today I consult Pintrest. Pin those vintage pieces so that when you are at the shop your eye will lock in on what you like.

Tip 2: Know What You Want

I keep lists on my phone. If you aren’t using the notes on your phone it’s no wonder you feel overwhelmed. I keep lists on my phone because I almost always have them with me. When I’m out and about I can check it to make sure I’m not making a buying mistake. This is especially helpful if you are a collector. I know I can easily question myself on what I have and what I need. Trust me, take a few minutes and enter it into your notes. You’ll be so impressed with yourself for being so organized.

Tip 3: Do you really love it

I’ve decided to be more intentional with my vintage and antique purchases. The way I’m doing that is by really thinking about each piece. For example, I want to create a gallery wall in my home. I want it to be filled with vintage frames and artwork. Antique malls are filled with these items. I could easily go overboard, but I know that not every piece will work with the style I’m going for. If I’m unsure, I will put the item(s) in my cart and walk around a bit. A few times of glimpsing into the cart is all I need to determine if it’s the right fit. If I feel blah, I take it back to the booth I found it in. If it brings a smile every time it’s a keeper.

I didn’t always follow this advice and the result was clutter in my home. Isn’t it interesting how the things we love bring a smile to our lips, yet the things we don’t become clutter? They just never really seem to fit no matter where or how we decorate with them. I find that if I find a piece I really love it naturally fits as though it was always meant to be there.

I have a video over on Youtube of my most recent antiquing adventure. You can watch it here. Just be sure to like and follow. You never know what I might be up to next.

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